Pastor Rosalba Monterroso de Martínez
Short description
Pastor Rosalba Monterroso de Martínez is 69 years old and still actively ministers in the church and preaches outside of it, especially to the youth. She needs assistance to live with dignity.
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Detailed description
Location: Guatemala
Date: July 15, 2022
Name: Rosalba Monterroso de Martínez
Age: 69
Date of Birth: 04/27/1954
Marital Status: Married
Health Condition: Suffers from Hypertension
Life History:
She is the founder of a church along with her husband, and their ministry has spread the Word throughout the entire community where it is located. They work not only within the church but also outside, preaching to young people, holding services on the soccer field, and conducting evangelism campaigns. They regularly go out to pray for the authorities, such as the national civil police. They hold church services several days a week, and in addition to that, she takes care of her husband, with whom she has been married for 49 years. They had 12 children, of whom 10 have already passed away. She has 24 grandchildren and 1 great-grandchild.