Pastor Vicenta García de Flores
Short description
Pastor Vicenta García de Flores is 89 years old and requires financial assistance to live with dignity, as she can no longer work due to her advanced age and is also a widow.
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Detailed description
Place: Guatemala
Date: July 15, 2022
Name: Vicenta García de Flores
Age: 89
Date of Birth: 5/04/1934
Marital Status: Widow
Health Condition: Suffers from Gastritis
Life History:
Pastor Vicenta accepted Jesus as her savior in the Los Ángeles settlement in Puerto de San José with Pastor Félix Morales when she was 18 years old. Currently, there is a church with about 400 members. She preached in the settlements and estates of Puerto San José, as well as in the prison of Escuintla. Basilio, Virgilio, German, and Chepe are some of her converts who now have churches in Honduras and Santa Apolonia Chimaltenango. She began her formal ministry at the age of 40 after studying at the Tabernacle Bible Institute. She has two sons in the ministry, Adonías and Joel, and Fabián, who passed away. She worked as a laborer with her husband, founding Assemblies of God churches in Obero, Masagua, La Barrita, El Carrizal, and Puerto de San José.